Shipping on Gift Certificates
Check your shipping and tax preferences at Mal's and ---Open the order.php page in the /go/...
Additional Email in Contact FormTo add an additional email address when someone fills out the contact form, open the contact.php...
Creating Custom HTML DesignsIt's very easy to load your own custom designs, using either straight HTML code or WYSIWYG...
Print Catalog In Public SiteThe printable catalog is only displayed in the administration area in the site builder 2.X...
Site Include Codes For TemplatesWhen creating a custom design, add any of the following codes (format %CODE%) directly into your...
Wholesale-Only CategoriesThe Site Builder system does not allow you to specify categories as 'wholesale only'. However, if...
Working With Inventory ControlIf you want to use the inventory control module, wish list/gift registry, gift certificates or...